Socio Economic

Points: 5 + 1 Bonus Point 
Spending :
1% of NPAT (Net Profit After Tax)

Bridge The Gap Between Poverty & Connectivity

DATA in the educational sector is a necessity, the digital drive in education is reliant on connectivity and data. Given the high cost of data for these already cash strapped students, the inequality gap in South Africa is widening daily!

The Social Economic Development solution that creates development and gives you the peace of mind that every rand spent contributes to changing South Africa for the better!

Earn 5 BBBEE points for 1% spending of NPAT (Net Profit After Tax)!

DATA in the educational sector is a necessity, the digital drive in education is reliant on connectivity and data.

Given the high cost of data for these already cash strapped students, the inequality gap in South Africa is widening daily! 
NeoGo breaches the gap between poverty and connectivity by providing data to students, joining hands with corporate South Africa and turning every rand spent on BBBEE and social economic development into an investment of students who are indeed the future of South Africa!

The Solution

NeoGo together with The Academic Institution build wifi-hotspot infrastructure on campuses.

Each student receives a pre-paid ABSA bank card with VISA functionalities giving the student full access to do normal purchases, draw cash at an ATM and do online payments. This out of the ordinary functionality is facilitated by NeoGo and its partners, which eradicates the dangers of carrying cash and establishes a platform where students could safely transact.

A wallet is created on the banking card which the student can use to purchase data, send money and receive 250mb of internet free daily. Thereafter they are able to purchase data at highly affordable rates via the banking card platform.

Our Vision

Our vision is to give these students enough free data to facilitate the online learning, and we need corporate South Africa to join the motion. Your donation (SED Spending) will be made to the Academic Institution (Section 18A certificate will be issued).

The Academic Institution will buy data on behalf of the student of which the donator will receive a confirmed bank report.

The student will receive data (dependent on the value donated) directly in their data wallet. Our aim is to keep you updated with the difference your spending is making, by giving you reports and physical tours at the campus you are supporting.

Corporate South Africa & NeoGo Join Hands to Conquer Data Inequality

Get In Touch

Get In Touch

Western Cape

Tel: 086 999 0017
Address: The Colosseum, First Floor Century City, Cape Town


Tel: 016 422 6230
Address: 21 Merriman Ave, Vereeniging, Gauteng, 1939


Tel: 082 890 5533
Address: 47 8th Street, Naboomspruit, 0560

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